

  1. Carles Gomez , Ana Minaburo, Laurent Toutain, Dominique Barthel, Juan Carlos Zuniga: IPv6 over LPWANs: Connecting Low Power Wide Area Networks to the Internet (of Things). IEEE Wirel. Commun. 27(1): 206-213 (2020)
  2. Sourena Maroofi, Maciej Korczynski, Arnold Holzel, Andrzej Duda. Adoption of Email Anti-Spoofing Schemes: A Large Scale Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE, 2021, pp.1-1. ⟨10.1109/TNSM.2021.3065422⟩. ⟨hal-03277633⟩
  3. Yevheniya Nosyk, Maciej Korczynski, Qasim Lone, Marcin Skwarek, Baptiste Jonglez, Andrzej Duda, "The Closed Resolver Project: Measuring the Deployment of Inbound Source Address Validation", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2023
  4. Martin Heusse, Christelle Caillouet, Andrzej Duda: Performance of Unslotted ALOHA With Capture and Multiple Collisions in LoRaWAN. IEEE Internet Things J. 10(20): 17824-17838 (2023)
  5. Ibrahim Ayoub, Sandoche Balakrichenan, Kinda Khawam, Benoît Ampeau: DNS for IoT: A Survey. Sensors 23(9): 4473 (2023)


  1. Ana Minaburo, Laurent Toutain, Carles Gomez, Dominique Barthel, Juan Carlos Zuniga: SCHC: Generic Framework for Static Context Header Compression and Fragmentation. RFC 8724: 1-71 (2020)
  2. Ana Minaburo, Laurent Toutain, Ricardo Andreasen: Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). RFC 8824: 1-30 (2021)
  3. Ana Minaburo, Laurent Toutain: A YANG Data Model for Static Context Header Compression (SCHC). RFC 9363: 1-47 (2023)
  4. Juan Carlos Zuniga, Carles Gomez, Sergio Aguilar, Laurent Toutain, Sandra Céspedes, Diego S. Wistuba La-Torre: Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Compound Acknowledgement (ACK). RFC 9441: 1-22 (2023)
  5. Juan Carlos Zuniga, Carles Gomez, Sergio Aguilar, Laurent Toutain, Sandra Céspedes, Diego S. Wistuba La-Torre, Julien Boite: Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) over Sigfox Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN). RFC 9442: 1-34(2023)


  1. Andrzej Duda, Martin Heusse. Spatial Issues in Modeling LoRaWAN Capacity. Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Nov 2019, Miami Beach, United States. pp.191--198, ⟨10.1145/3345768.3355932⟩. ⟨hal-02378078⟩
  2. Victor Le Pochat, Tim van Hamme, Sourena Maroofi, Tom van Goethem, Davy Preuveneers, Andrzej Duda, Wouter Joosen, Maciej Korczynski. A Practical Approach for Taking Down Avalanche Botnets Under Real-World Constraints. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, Feb 2020, San Diego, United States. ⟨10.14722/ndss.2020.24161⟩. ⟨hal-03274958⟩
  3. Maciej Korczyński, Yevheniya Nosyk, Qasim Lone, Marcin Skwarek, Baptiste Jonglez, Andrzej Duda. Don't Forget to Lock the Front Door! Inferring the Deployment of Source Address Validation of Inbound Traffic. International Conference on Passive and Active Network Measurement, Mar 2020, Eugene, United States. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-44081-7_7⟩. ⟨hal-02475931⟩
  4. Thanh-Hai To, Andrzej Duda. Timemaps for Improving Performance of LoRaWAN. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 2020, Dublin, Ireland. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/icc40277.2020.9148701⟩. ⟨hal-03274950⟩
  5. Maciej Korczyński, Yevheniya Nosyk, Qasim Lone, Marcin Skwarek, Baptiste Jonglez, Andrzej Duda. Inferring the Deployment of Inbound Source Address Validation Using DNS Resolvers. ANRW 2020 - Applied Networking Research Workshop, Jul 2020, Madrid, Spain. pp.9-11, ⟨10.1145/3404868.3406668⟩. ⟨hal-02894078⟩
  6. Henry-Joseph Audéoud, Martin Heusse, Andrzej Duda. Single Reception Estimation of Wireless Link Quality. PIMRC'20, Aug 2020, London, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/PIMRC48278.2020.9217162⟩. ⟨hal-02934343⟩
  7. Sourena Maroofi, Maciej Korczynski, Cristian Hesselman, Benoit Ampeau, Andrzej Duda. COMAR: Classification of Compromised versus Maliciously Registered Domains. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), Sep 2020, Genoa, Italy. pp.607-623, ⟨10.1109/EuroSP48549.2020.00045⟩. ⟨hal-03274964⟩
  8. Sourena Maroofi, Maciej Korczyński, Andrzej Duda. Are You Human?: Resilience of Phishing Detection to Evasion Techniques Based on Human Verification. IMC '20: ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Oct 2020, Virtual Event USA, United States. ⟨10.1145/3419394⟩. ⟨hal-03274944⟩
  9. Martin Heusse, Takwa Attia, Christelle Caillouet, Franck Rousseau, Andrzej Duda. Capacity of a LoRaWAN Cell. MSWiM 2020 - 23rd International ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Nov 2020, Alicante, Spain. pp.131-140, ⟨10.1145/3416010.3423228⟩. ⟨hal-03010556⟩
  10. Antoine Bernard, Sandoche Balakrichenan, Michel Marot, Benoît Ampeau: DNS-based dynamic context resolution for SCHC. ICC 2020: 1-6
  11. Takwa Attia, Martin Heusse, Andrzej Duda. Message in Message for Improved LoRaWAN Capacity. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Jul 2021, Athens, Greece. ⟨10.1109/ICCCN52240.2021.9522211⟩. ⟨hal-03334799⟩
  12. Andrzej Duda, Simon Fernandez, Michele Amoretti, Fabrizio Restori, Maciej Korczynski. Semantic Identifiers and DNS Names for IoT. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), IEEE, Jul 2021, Athens, Greece. pp.1-9, ⟨10.1109/ICCCN52240.2021.9522285⟩. ⟨hal-03556306⟩
  13. Sandoche Balakrichenan, Antoine Bernard, Michel Marot, Benoît Ampeau. IoTRoam: design and implementation of a federated IoT roaming infrastructure using LoRaWAN – Globecom 2021, < 10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685417>
  14. Jan Bayer, Yevheniya Nosyk, Olivier Hureau, Simon Fernandez, Ivett Paulovics, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, Publications Office of the European Union, "Study on Domain Name System (DNS) abuse : technical report"
  15. Martin Heusse, Christelle Caillouet, Andrzej Duda : Frame Arrival Timing in LoRaWAN: Capacity Increase With Repeated Transmissions and More Channel Attenuation. PIMRC 2022: 1048-1054
  16. Reyhane Falanji, Martin Heusse, Andrzej Duda: Range and Capacity of LoRa 2.4 GHz. MobiQuitous 2022: 403-421
  17. Simon Fernandez, Maciej Korczynski, Andrzej Duda, "Early Detection of Spam Domains with Passive DNS and SPF", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2022), the Netherlands
  18. Yevheniya Nosyk, Maciej Korczynski, Andrzej Duda, "Routing Loops as Mega Amplifiers for DNS-based DDoS Attacks", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2022), the Netherlands
  19. Arnol Lemogue, Ivan Martinez, Laurent Toutain, Ahmed Bouabdallah: Federated IoT Roaming using Private DNS Resolutions. NOMS 2022: 1-6
  20. Ibrahim Ayoub, Gaël Berthaud-Müller, Sandoche Balakrichenan, Kinda Khawam, Benoît Ampeau: The DNS to Reinforce the PKIX for IoT Backend Servers: Implementation and Evaluation. WMNC 2022: 80-84
  21. Sandoche Balakrichenan, Ibrahim Ayoub, Benoît Ampeau: PKI for IoT using the DNS infrastructure. PKIA 2022: 1-8
  22. Jan Bayer, Ben Chukwuemeka Benjamin, Sourena Maroofi, Thymen Wabeke, Cristian Hesselman, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "Operational Domain Name Classification: From Automatic Ground Truth Generation to Adaptation to Missing Values", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Virtual Event, 2023
  23. Yevheniya Nosyk, Qasim Lone, Yury Zhauniarovich, Carlos Hernandez Ganan, Emile Aben, Giovane C. M. Moura, Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "Intercept and Inject: DNS Response Manipulation in the Wild", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Virtual Event, 2023
  24. Yevheniya Nosyk, Olivier Hureau, Simon Fernandez, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "Unveiling the Weak Links: Exploring DNS Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Fortifying Defenses", IEEE EuroS&P Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC), Netherlands, 2023
  25. Nils Begou, Jeremy Vinoy, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "Exploring the Dark Side of AI: Advanced Phishing Attack Design and Deployment Using ChatGPT", Proc. of IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Orlando, USA, 2023
  26. Dinesh Tamang , Martin Heusse , Andrea Abrardo , Andrzej Duda : Fast Transmission of Massive Concurrent Alarm Messages in LoRaWAN. MSWiM 2023: 253-257
  27. Yevheniya Nosyk, Maciej Korczynski, Carlos H. Ganan, Michal Krol, Qasim Lone, Andrzej Duda, "Don't Get Hijacked: Prevalence, Mitigation, and Impact of Non-Secure DNS Dynamic Updates", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), UK, 2023
  28. Yevheniya Nosyk, Maciej Korczynski, Andrzej Duda, "Guardians of DNS Integrity: A Remote Method for Identifying DNSSEC Validators Across the Internet", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), UK, 2023
  29. Yevheniya Nosyk, Maciej Korczynski, Andrzej Duda, "Extended DNS Errors: Unlocking the Full Potential of DNS Troubleshooting", ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Canada, 2023
  30. Jan Bayer, Sourena Maroofi, Olivier Hureau, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "Building a Resilient Domain Whitelist to Enhance Phishing Blocklist Accuracy", Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Spain, 2023
  31. Hussein Al Haj Hassan, Ali Krayem, Ivan Martinez, Laurent Toutain, Alexander Pelov: SCHC Over LoRaWAN, a Framework for Interoperable, Energy Efficient and Scalable Networks. WF-IoT 2023: 1-7
  32. Simon Fernandez, Olivier Hureau, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "WHOIS Right? An Analysis of WHOIS and RDAP Consistency", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Virtual Event, 2024
  33. Olivier Hureau, Jan Bayer, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski, "Spoofed Emails: An Analysis of the Issues Hindering a Larger Deployment of DMARC", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Virtual Event, 2024
  34. Victor Le Pochat, Simon Fernandez, Tom van Goethem, Samaneh Tajalizadehkhoob, Lieven Desmet, Andrzej Duda, Wouter Joosen, Maciej Korczynski: Evaluating the Impact of Design Decisions on Passive DNS-Based Domain Rankings. TMA 2024: 1-11
  35. Ben Chukwuemeka Benjamin, Jan Bayer, Simon Fernandez, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski: Shielding Brands: An In-Depth Analysis of Defensive Domain Registration Practices Against Cyber-Squatting. TMA 2024: 1-11
  36. Cordian Alexander Daniluk, Yevheniya Nosyk, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczynski: Zeros Are Heroes: NSEC3 Parameter Settings in the Wild. IMC 2024: 415-422


  1. Laurent Toutain, Omar Elloumi, Steve Liang, Hylke van der Schaaf, Bart De Lathouwer, Ana Minaburo, David Raggett : Application Layer Protocols, in Springer Handbook of Internet of Things, pp. 481—507, Springer International Publishing, 2024, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-39650.

Talks and tutorials

  1. Talk: Sandoche Balakrichenan « Using DNS for Secure/Seamless IoT», DINR 2020.
  2. Talk: Andrzej Duda « DiNS - DNS Naming and Services for Secure Seamless IoT», Journées du GDR Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués 2020 

  3. Talk: Sandoche Balakrichenan « Role for DNS in LoRaWAN », Afnic 2022. 

  4. Talk: Sandoche Balakrichenan « PKI for IoT using the DNS infrastructure », DNS-OARC 39, Belgrade 2022.
  5. Tutorial: Laurent Toutain SCHC « A new era for IoT interoperability » IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things, 26 October–11 November 2022, Yokohama, Japan,
  6. Talk: Sandoche Balakrichenan « Studying DNS energy consumption », RIPE 88, Krakow, 2024.
  7. Webinar: Alexander Pelov, Hussein Al Haj Hassan
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